Professor of American Studies and Director, Center for Leadership, Teaching, and Learning, Skidmore College; Co-Founder, Critical Humor Studies Association
Book Chapters
Refereed Articles
Review Essays/Editorial Remarks
Reprinted Articles
Other Writings
"Die gefährliche Ambivalenz humoristischer Invektivität in der Stand-up Comedy"
In Politics of Recognition and Representation in Indian Stand-Up, edited by Richa Chilana and Rashi Bhargava, v-x. NY, NY: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2024.
“Hannah Gadsby: Emotional Capital and Affective Economies in Stand-Up."
in European Journal of American Studies. Special Issue: Funny Women: Perspectives on Women in/and the Comedy Scene. 19.3 (fall 2024): Online. Invited to contribute.
All Joking Aside: American Humor and Its Discontents
In Accelerate: Access and Inclusion at the Tang Museum 3 (2019): 26-29.
“Savage New Media: Discursive Campaigns For/Against Political Correctness.”
In The Joke’s On Us: Political Comedy Encounters Neoliberalism, edited by Julie Webber-Collins. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018. Invited to contribute.
“‘We Are the Baddest Motherfuckers on the Block’: Recruiting Margaret Cho’s Army.”
“Placing Space: Architecture, Action, Dimension—Pedagogy and Practice”
In Feminist Practices: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Women in Architecture, edited by Lori A. Brown. England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2011.
“Hardly News: The State of Infotainment”
Studies in American Humor 3, 19 (2009): 147-157. Publication year: 2009
“‘The Taming of the Sun’: Finding the Joke in the Cancer Narrative of a Pedagogue.”
In Disability and the Teaching of Writing: A Critical Sourcebook, edited by Brenda Brueggemann and Cindy Lewiecki-Wilson. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 2008.
“Who Knew Public Scholarship was so Fun(ny)?: Practical Applications Within and Beyond the Academy.”
Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-Learning and Community Literacy 7, 3 (2008):
"Looming Subjectivities and/in Disability Memoir: A Dialogic Review Tapestry."
Prose Studies. 27, 1-2 (2005). Co-authored by Elizabeth Miglin, Jill Khoury, Rita Rich, Alana Kumbier and Rebecca Krefting.
“Collective Mistrust of Alarms.”
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 46, 17 (2002): 1584-1588.
When Comedy Kills: Racialized and Gendered Violence in the Wake of Laughter
Monograph in progress
“Tribal Tendencies: Technologies Mediating the Art of Stand-Up Comedy”
In The Oxford Handbook of Screen Comedy, edited by Peter Kunze and William Costanzo. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024. Invited to contribute.
“Comics, Jesters, Satirists, and Hacks: A History of Stand-Up Comedy in the US”
In Cambridge Companion to Stand-up Comedy, edited by Oliver Double, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2023. Invited to contribute.
“On Second Thought"
Studies in American Humor 4, 6 (2020): 250-251.
“A New Economy of Jokes?: #Socialmedia #Comedy”
Krefting, Rebecca and Rebecca Baruc*.The Routledge Comedy Studies Reader, edited by Ian Wilke. NY, NY: Routledge, 2019. *denotes student
Book Chapters
Refereed Articles
Review Essays/Editorial Remarks
Reprinted Articles
Other Writings
"Die gefährliche Ambivalenz humoristischer Invektivität in der Stand-up Comedy"
In An den Grenzender InvektivitätHerabsetzungspotentiale von Humor, Kritik und Gewalt, edited by Silke Fehlemann et al., 93-112. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2024.
In Politics of Recognition and Representation in Indian Stand-Up, edited by Richa Chilana and Rashi Bhargava, v-x. NY, NY: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2024.
“Hannah Gadsby: Emotional Capital and Affective Economies in Stand-Up."
in European Journal of American Studies. Special Issue: Funny Women: Perspectives on Women in/and the Comedy Scene. 19.3 (fall 2024): Online. Invited to contribute.
All Joking Aside: American Humor and Its Discontents
In Accelerate: Access and Inclusion at the Tang Museum 3 (2019): 26-29.
“Savage New Media: Discursive Campaigns For/Against Political Correctness.”
In The Joke’s On Us: Political Comedy Encounters Neoliberalism, edited by Julie Webber-Collins. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018. Invited to contribute.
“‘We Are the Baddest Motherfuckers on the Block’: Recruiting Margaret Cho’s Army.”
“Placing Space: Architecture, Action, Dimension—Pedagogy and Practice”
In Feminist Practices: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Women in Architecture, edited by Lori A. Brown. England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2011.
“Hardly News: The State of Infotainment”
Studies in American Humor 3, 19 (2009): 147-157. Publication year: 2009
“‘The Taming of the Sun’: Finding the Joke in the Cancer Narrative of a Pedagogue.”
In Disability and the Teaching of Writing: A Critical Sourcebook, edited by Brenda Brueggemann and Cindy Lewiecki-Wilson. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 2008.
“Who Knew Public Scholarship was so Fun(ny)?: Practical Applications Within and Beyond the Academy.”
Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-Learning and Community Literacy 7, 3 (2008):
"Looming Subjectivities and/in Disability Memoir: A Dialogic Review Tapestry."
Prose Studies. 27, 1-2 (2005). Co-authored by Elizabeth Miglin, Jill Khoury, Rita Rich, Alana Kumbier and Rebecca Krefting.
“Collective Mistrust of Alarms.”
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 46, 17 (2002): 1584-1588.
When Comedy Kills: Racialized and Gendered Violence in the Wake of Laughter
Monograph in progress
“Tribal Tendencies: Technologies Mediating the Art of Stand-Up Comedy”
In The Oxford Handbook of Screen Comedy, edited by Peter Kunze and William Costanzo. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024. Invited to contribute.
“Comics, Jesters, Satirists, and Hacks: A History of Stand-Up Comedy in the US”
In Cambridge Companion to Stand-up Comedy, edited by Oliver Double, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2023. Invited to contribute.
“On Second Thought"
Studies in American Humor 4, 6 (2020): 250-251.
“A New Economy of Jokes?: #Socialmedia #Comedy”
Krefting, Rebecca and Rebecca Baruc*.The Routledge Comedy Studies Reader, edited by Ian Wilke. NY, NY: Routledge, 2019. *denotes student