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"Die gefährliche Ambivalenz humoristischer Invektivität in der Stand-up Comedy"
In An den Grenzen der Invektivität
Herabsetzungspotentiale von Humor, Kritik und Gewalt, edited by Silke Fehlemann et al., 93-112. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2024.
"The History of Moroccan Stand-Up Comedy: From Storytelling to Charged Humor"
Co-authored with Mohamed Bassou. In Punching Up in Stand-Up Comedy: Speaking Truth to Power, edited by Rashi Bhargava and Richa Chilana. London: Routledge India, 2022.
"Maria Bamford: A/Way with Words."
In Taking a Stand: American Stand-up Comedians as Public Intellectuals, edited by Peter Kunze and Jared Champion. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press, 2021.
“Comedy’s Ideological Kerfuffles: From #MeToo to Black Lives Matter.”
“Comedy’s Ideological Kerfuffles: From #MeToo to Black Lives Matter.” Contemporary Political Thought. Special Issue: The Political Force of the Comedic. Vol. 20, no. 2 (June 2021): 419-446. Invited to contribute.
"Her Gifts"
“Her Gifts.” In Fast Funny Women: 75 Essays of Flash Nonfiction, edited by Gina Barreca. Norwalk, CT: Woodhall Press, 2021.
Recipient of the Gold Award for Humor (Adult Nonfiction) in the 24th annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards
"Hannah Gadsby Stands Down: Feminist Comedy Studies."
“Hannah Gadsby Stands Down: Feminist Comedy Studies.” In Journal of Cinema and Media Studies. Special Issue – In Focus: Comedy/Humor Studies Vol. 58, No. 2 (Spring 2019): 165-170. Invited to contribute.
“‘We Are the Baddest Motherfuckers on the Block’: Recruiting Margaret Cho’s Army.”
“‘We Are the Baddest Motherfuckers on the Block’: Recruiting Margaret Cho’s Army.” In Hysterical! Women in American Comedy, edited by Linda Mizejewski and Victoria Sturtevant. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2017. Invited to contribute.
Recipient of the Susan Koppelman Award for the Best Anthology, Multi-Authored, or Edited Book in Feminist Studies in Popular and American Culture
“Dueling Discourses: The Female Comic’s Double-Bind in the New Media Age.”
“Dueling Discourses: The Female Comic’s Double-Bind in the New Media Age.” In Transgressive Humor of American Women Writers, edited by Sabrina Fuchs Abrams. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Invited to contribute.

“Laughter in the Final Instance: The Cultural Economy of Humor.”
In The Laughing Stalk: Live Comedy and Its Audiences, edited by Judith Batalion. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press, 2012.

“Placing Space: Architecture, Action, Dimension—Pedagogy and Practice”
In Feminist Practices: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Women in Architecture, edited by Lori A. Brown. England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2011.

When Comedy Kills: Racialized and Gendered Violence in the Wake of Laughter
Monograph in progress

“Tribal Tendencies: Technologies Mediating the Art of Stand-Up Comedy”
In The Oxford Handbook of Screen Comedy, edited by Peter Kunze and William Costanzo. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2025. Invited to contribute.

“Comics, Jesters, Satirists, and Hacks: A History of Stand-Up Comedy in the US”
In Cambridge Companion to Stand-up Comedy, edited by Oliver Double, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2025. Invited to contribute.

“On Second Thought"
Studies in American Humor 4, 6 (2020): 250-251.

“A New Economy of Jokes?: #Socialmedia #Comedy”
Krefting, Rebecca and Rebecca Baruc*.The Routledge Comedy Studies Reader, edited by Ian Wilke. NY, NY: Routledge, 2019. *denotes student
- All
- Book Chapters
- Books
- Refereed Articles
- Review Essays/Editorial Remarks
- Reprinted Articles
- Other Writings
"The History of Moroccan Stand-Up Comedy: From Storytelling to Charged Humor"
Co-authored with Mohamed Bassou. In Punching Up in Stand-Up Comedy: Speaking Truth to Power, edited by Rashi Bhargava and Richa Chilana. London: Routledge India, 2022.
"Maria Bamford: A/Way with Words."
In Taking a Stand: American Stand-up Comedians as Public Intellectuals, edited by Peter Kunze and Jared Champion. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press, 2021.
“Comedy’s Ideological Kerfuffles: From #MeToo to Black Lives Matter.”
“Comedy’s Ideological Kerfuffles: From #MeToo to Black Lives Matter.” Contemporary Political Thought. Special Issue: The Political Force of the Comedic. Vol. 20, no. 2 (June 2021): 419-446. Invited to contribute.
"Her Gifts"
“Her Gifts.” In Fast Funny Women: 75 Essays of Flash Nonfiction, edited by Gina Barreca. Norwalk, CT: Woodhall Press, 2021.
Recipient of the Gold Award for Humor (Adult Nonfiction) in the 24th annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards
"Hannah Gadsby Stands Down: Feminist Comedy Studies."
“Hannah Gadsby Stands Down: Feminist Comedy Studies.” In Journal of Cinema and Media Studies. Special Issue – In Focus: Comedy/Humor Studies Vol. 58, No. 2 (Spring 2019): 165-170. Invited to contribute.
“‘We Are the Baddest Motherfuckers on the Block’: Recruiting Margaret Cho’s Army.”
“‘We Are the Baddest Motherfuckers on the Block’: Recruiting Margaret Cho’s Army.” In Hysterical! Women in American Comedy, edited by Linda Mizejewski and Victoria Sturtevant. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2017. Invited to contribute.
Recipient of the Susan Koppelman Award for the Best Anthology, Multi-Authored, or Edited Book in Feminist Studies in Popular and American Culture
“Dueling Discourses: The Female Comic’s Double-Bind in the New Media Age.”
“Dueling Discourses: The Female Comic’s Double-Bind in the New Media Age.” In Transgressive Humor of American Women Writers, edited by Sabrina Fuchs Abrams. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Invited to contribute.

“Laughter in the Final Instance: The Cultural Economy of Humor.”
In The Laughing Stalk: Live Comedy and Its Audiences, edited by Judith Batalion. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press, 2012.

“Placing Space: Architecture, Action, Dimension—Pedagogy and Practice”
In Feminist Practices: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Women in Architecture, edited by Lori A. Brown. England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2011.

When Comedy Kills: Racialized and Gendered Violence in the Wake of Laughter
Monograph in progress

“Tribal Tendencies: Technologies Mediating the Art of Stand-Up Comedy”
In The Oxford Handbook of Screen Comedy, edited by Peter Kunze and William Costanzo. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024. Invited to contribute.

“Comics, Jesters, Satirists, and Hacks: A History of Stand-Up Comedy in the US”
In Cambridge Companion to Stand-up Comedy, edited by Oliver Double, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2023. Invited to contribute.

“On Second Thought"
Studies in American Humor 4, 6 (2020): 250-251.

“A New Economy of Jokes?: #Socialmedia #Comedy”
Krefting, Rebecca and Rebecca Baruc*.The Routledge Comedy Studies Reader, edited by Ian Wilke. NY, NY: Routledge, 2019. *denotes student